There are over 80 different Autoimmune diseases. As a naturopath with a thyroid autoimmune disorder and family with Lupus , Leah is passionate about providing the best naturopathic care she can.

Weight Loss on Thin Ice: The Dangers of Ozempic Explored by a Naturopath

In the realm of diabetes management, Ozempic has gained attention, but the spotlight also reveals potential dangers associated with its use. As users seek better glycemic control, there's a growing awareness of side effects that extend beyond the expected. Reports suggest that Ozempic, while effective in managing blood sugar levels, may pose risks such as rapid weight loss, especially in facial features. This weight loss can have implications for skin elasticity, leading to dermatological changes and a potential aging effect.


Naturopath for Blood disorders

Naturopath for blood disordersAnemia:Thrombocytopenia:Hemophilia:Leukemia:Naturopath Treatment listNutritional support Supportive lifestyle programsCommon Causes of Low IronHeavy Periods Naturopath for blood disorders As a naturopath, I have seen firsthand how naturopathy benefits patients…